Warming up the engine in the sun
noticed that the throttle cable wasn't fully returning, fixed it and it idles more sensibly now
ready for brake attention
drivers side drum, full of diff oil
grubby brakes
I had the car on it's side a few years back to do welding and the diff oil flowed out all over the rear wheel
which then set like araldite.
which in turn made the hub nut a real pain to get off
halfshaft out
normal thread on this side
but it was stuck solid
lever bars and cut down sockets didn't help
So chopped as much off as I could with the grinder
which let me take it off.
then had to pull the hub off
cleaned up a bit
I took it all apart so I could replace the rear cylinders without skinning all my knuckles.
annoyingly, I managed to bend a stud when using the puller, so needed to press out the old ones
Using an oversize socket
fitting the new cylinder - I would never have got this on if the backing plate was on the car
looking better already
Pressing in new studs
as far as they will go.
new hardware
and a massive custom made spanner.
Designed so it can be smacked with a big hammer.
back together
Passenger side - came off without any force at all.
hub popped off
much cleaner than the other side
took about ten minutes to get to this point
old piston, a bit rusty
on stands
on stands
One tipp is to drill and tap the small hole that the roll pin fits in to make the fitment more secure.
I'm practicing on the old ones first!
home brew reverse bleeding kit!
seems to work
bonnet back on
ready to go for a brake test drive
popped into a local car show for half an hour :)